Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Cosmic Moment Workshop Live Stream 21/12/12

Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell,

The angels have asked us to live stream our event at the Cosmic Moment because it is so important.  They have affirmed that everyone who attends the event or watches the live stream will receive the Source energy coming in, so you can relax and enjoy it. They have given us detailed instructions of what to do to prepare everyone for the Moment and to anchor the energy during the rest of the day.  We have been given a special and profound meditation to expand your auras for the journey ahead and so that you can utilise the gifts that have awakened in you.

The following will give you a feel for the day. We start at 10am and the time spent before the Cosmic Moment is dedicated to being prepared for the 11:11 moment, when we break for 15 minutes for everyone to enjoy this unique time in their own way. We then progress what we have learnt through discussion and a special exercise until we break for lunch. After lunch we connect with the Metatron Cube, which is they symbol of the new Golden Age, and then join the Angels, Lady Gaia, Joules, Roquiel, Elementals, Masters, Masters of the Ascension Planets, Archangels, Unicorns, Seraphina, Mother Mary and Wywyvsil on a fantastic meditation to embed the new energy.

The Divine energy expected to come in is so powerful the Angels can't guarantee the working of technology.  Nevertheless they will be helping you to receive what you should receive. We are holding the Live Streaming in the highest light so please be aware of this when making your booking and add your light to the technological processes too.

 Buy Access to the Live Stream Below

Live Stream Support,

This live stream of the day will last for the duration of their workshop. This workshop will use internet technology for the broadcast. We shall be carrying out a number of tests prior to the event to make sure the technology works for you best on the day. I shall keep you up to date with any test events via the cosmic moment website and you Tube Channel - if you have any queries in the meantime please feel free to contact Alexander Thirlby to discuss your system requirements for the event. We would advise you use a broadband download connection for the event instead of a mobile broadband connection. The Live Stream will work work on all Computers, Devices, Smart TVs and Tablets we would also advise you to plug the device you watch the live stream on into a power socket so you do not run out of batteries.

Once you have purchased your download you will receive your Paypal receipt and you will be invited to Our Google+ Page where there will also be Live Stream Updates.

Updates Also available at
The Cosmic Moment Website
The Cosmic Moment Facebook Page
The Cosmic Moment You Tube Channel
The Cosmic Moment Workshop Live Stream 21/12/12 Circle Google+
TheCosmicMoment - Skye Name
Email - 
Telephone Number - +44(0)207 751-3076
Fax Number & 24hr Voicemail - +44(0)709 2308-865

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