Sunday 9 December 2012

Connect with Angels, Unicorns and the Masters of Orion 12/12/12/ Download

Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell work with and write about the angels, unicorns and higher spiritual energies of the universe.  Our planet is birthing into a new Golden Age and 12.12.12 symbolically represents the first small contraction, when your loved ones think about you and pray for you and the baby.  At this time the angels and unicorns surround you and pour love onto you and high frequency energies become available.  So Diana and Kathy have made a short and exciting film to help you connect to all this universal assistance.
They project fifth dimensional qualities into your aura, expand and light up the thousand petalled lotus of your crown chakra and take you to meet the Masters of Orion, who hold the wisdom of the universe.  This film truly prepares you for the Cosmic Moment and ascension into the fifth dimension.

Introduction Video of the 12/12/12 Download

If you have already purchased the download please click here to access the video.

 If you wish to purchase the download click the buy now button below - 

We shall keep this post up to date with the latest updates regarding the 12/12/12 Download. You can also keep up to date with the Latest from Diana, Kathy and The Cosmic Moment You Tube Channel and Website.

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